It can be challenging to maintain a positive perspective on life at a time when there are so many uncertainties that we are tasked with. Worries about finances, the well-being of your little ones, employment security and the rising cost of living are just a few examples of stressful uncertainties we are faced with in our daily lives.
At times like these, it can appear that our inner monologue, the voice we often hear reassuring us and providing us with guidance, can become swayed and give in to stress by the inner crtic voice..
You may have told yourself it would be okay, and then finish your sentence with that iner critic voice, “I think?”.
You may have told yourself that you can get through this difficult time, and then the inner critic voice finishes your sentence with “But what if I can’t?”
The truth is, you may not become mindful of the language your inner critic uses to talk to yourself as you navigate a difficult situation due to the high levels of stress you are experiencing.
Creating a positive inner dialogue with yourself can in turn have a positive impact on how you navigate certain situations, and become a powerful stress reduction tool you can always count on despite the voice of the iner critic and uncertainties.
1. AWARENESS~Recognize the Patterns
The process of eliminating the inner critic voice, negative self-talk and implementing positive self-talk begins with the most important aspect: AWARENESS. Becoming aware of how you speak to yourself and what the inner crtic is saying. Learning how you navigate through situations is crucial at this point in helping you to change how you move forward through the challenge ahead.
If you find that when you speak to yourself, your mind is filled with the inner critic voice of doubts, you can use this as an opportunity to turn those doubts into a challenge.
Why do you think you are incapable of achieving that? Why do you think you will not be able to get that task done in time? Recognizing when your inner critic is fueled by negativity can help you to shift your inner dialogue to a more encouraging one.
For example, rather than saying: “This is the worst day ever! Nothing could go worse.” try to shift your dialogue to say: “I choose to believe this day will turn out positive. I am in the drivers seat, and I will make this day great.”
Give it a try!
2. DISCOVERY~Journal
One of the most useful ways to Discover where what when and how those thoughts and ideas appeared is through journaling. A time when you can express yourself with writing. Whether digitally or with a pen and paper, journaling is an effective way to examine your inner thoughts, ideas ad that inner put out those inner critic words. and replace any negative self-talk with positive ones.
A great strategy for implementing journaling into your life is to start your day with it. As soon as you wake up, consider writing down how you want your day to go. Rather than writing in a hypothetical sense, write as though it has already happened.
Here are a few prompts to get you started:
I woke up feeling refreshed.
I achieved everything I wanted to, and feel calm.
What was the best decision you made today?
I am open to detours.
At the end of the day, examine how your day went with the prompts you wrote earlier. Did your day, or the situation you are facing be met with what you wrote? If not, use this opportunity to examine why it did not go the way you expected.
Talk to yourself with kindness and compassion for the moments you feel as though you did not achieve what you wanted. Use this as a tool for understanding how you could improve, and give credit to the moments where you spoke positively about yourself.
3. PEER CALL TODAY ~ Talk To Yourself Like A Peer
We often tell our little ones to treat each other the way they want to be treated, right? The same goes for your inner critic and inner dialogue. In those moments of negative self-talk where your inner critic is discrediting yourself for how you may have navigated a stressful situation, think about saying exactly what you just thought to a peer.
Whether it be a coworker, a best friend, a peer in a support group, or a family member, imagine yourself repeating how you spoke to yourself to them. How would they react? How would that make them feel?
This tactic is great for helping you to implement positive self-talk into your inner dialogue. By treating your inner dialogue like how you would treat a peer, this will help you to pencil in more self-love, acceptance, and encouragement into your inner dialogue.
Make The Shift to Implementing Positive Self-Talk with Carrie
Even though it can be challenging, changing your inner critic and your

inner dialogue can become beneficial when it comes to navigating stressful situations. If you have tried any of the strategies outlined in this article, and find that you still lean on negative self-talk, let’s connect.
Together we will work through different strategies unique to you and your situation, to help you make the change from negative to positive self-talk.
Disclaimer: Carrie is a certified health coach with knowledge and training in these areas, however, it is important to always consult your doctor to make sure any of these ideas are safe and okay for you.