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"Life's journey is way to short not to have our Mind Body and Soul blessed with Whole Body Nutrition."

Carrie Polk

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Welcome! I am Carrie!
A behavior change specialist with a strong background in bridging the gap between agriculture, nutrition, and Lifestyle Medicine principles.

My journey in life and passion has been for the sciences in the backwoods of the calm countryside. Digging deep into the richness of the soil, raising and harvesting crops to nourish my community, smelling the fresh cut alfalfa, tending to livestock, hearing the night sounds of the bull frogs around the pond, and pouring all my memories into my fine art.  Most of all, I LOVE whole foods straight from the fields that nurtures the cells in the body, mind, and soul with its taste, smell, and crunch. But, I particularly love the science around whole body nutrition and the connection it has with regeneration, especially how good nutrition starts from the soil and reaches to the tongue. For over 25 years I have not only lived that life as commercial organic produce farmer, but a leader in my community working to link the gap between agriculture and nutrition. As a Farmer, I know agriculture, and in particular, food systems, provide food and nourishment for all human beings and thus have a foundational role in each persons nutritional level. Every week I saw my customers either personally dealing with health issues or trying to add nutrition into their meal plans. I was asked repeatedly, "What is the best thing to eat for this condition or how do you prepare this whold food?" Often they knew what they needed to do to improve their health but were stuck in some way. Rather than making the lifestyle changes that could improve their health, they ended up in the revolving door of healthcare, fast food and a stressful lifestyle. As time progressed their health declined. I saw this over and over week after week, as a farmer raising whole food I felt so frustrated and helplessbecause I knew the food I raised could nourish on a cellular level.

This experience fueled a desire within me to discover how I could help build a healthier community through the addition of whole person nutrition that would overflow into a lifestyle change. Thus bringing forth, noutrishous health.

What I learned is that whole body nutrition, Lifestyle Medicine principles, and health wellness coaching was the KEY piece of the puzzle to unlock the door and change the road that individual were on. The door of transformation was being thrown wide open!

No matter where your journey in life has brought you, there is always a bend in that road that can bring you back to a wholesome, joyous, healthy you if you so desire. Using Whole Body Nutrition, Lifestyle Medicine principles, mindfulness, self leadership and spiritual connection to your essence is what you will be immersed in while working with me. 

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I Would love to be YOUR GUIDE

I’ll feel your every vibration, spoken and unspoken. I’ll listen, synthesize, empathize, and reflect back to you using 11 pilliars that you can use to build back your whole body nutrition in a way that challenges you to see a different, new healthy nourished YOU. 

Using the Whole body nutrition approach you will learn how to build your body back so that you can not only bounce back from health challenges, but come back even stronger. 


BA Asbury University  Fine Art / Mathematics

BS UK Nutrition 

Board Certified Holistic Health Practioner

Certified Nutrtionist

Certified Nutrition and Wellness Coach

Certified Health and Wellness Coach Sitting for NBHWC

Functional Blood Work Specialist

“After reading Carries testimony I knew our spirits where connected. I knew I didn't have to explain. Carrie is super patient and very calming. She worked with me almost on a daily basis as my health was transformed. My hubby and medical professionals were all amazed with how my body quickly healed itself with whole body nutrition. ”                   Sara M.

As a Certified Nutrition, Health and Wellness Coach I always consider each individual to be unique and recommend personalized information rather than a ‘one size fits all’ approach. I will never recommend nutrition as a replacement for medical advice. I will always always refer any client with ‘red flag’ signs or symptoms to their medical professional. I also work, where appropriate, alongside medical professionals, and will communicate with other healthcare/sports professionals involved in your care, when appropriate and approved by you, to explain any nutritional information that has been provided.


Contact Us:

Phone: 859-202-0973

Physician-Patient Referrals:




  • Virtual Office / Versailles KY / USA

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© 2023 by Soaring with Nutrition  all Rights Reserved | 

Medical Disclaimer: THIS WEBSITE IS NOT INTENDED FOR THE PURPOSE OF PROVIDING MEDICAL ADVICE. NO INFORMATION ON THIS SITE SHOULD BE USED TO DIAGNOSE TREAT, PREVENT OR CURE ANY DISEASE OR CONDITION. YOU ARE NOT ON THE WEBSITE OF A MEDICAL DOCTOR OR THERAPIST. All information, content, and material of this website is for informational purposes only and is provided so that readers can make their own nutrition and health decisions after consulting with their health care provider. This is one of my big themes of taking action for yourself. Making the decision now to change your future. Although I am involved in healthcare, I am not a medical doctor or therapist. I am not treating or diagnosing any medical conditions. Information provided on this website is not a substitute for routine consultation with your healthcare provider. I recommend consulting with your healthcare provider before making any changes related to a specific condition.    Individual results may vary and are not guaranteed.

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